Various kinds of light I'm utilizing in my studio
Key Light
The key light is your primary light. It's "the foundation of your lighting arrangement," and you'll most every now and again just be utilizing one among them for your shoot. The entirety of your metering endeavors will start with the key light, and resulting lights are situated and metered regarding the key light.
Fill Light
The fill light is utilized to fill in shadows regarding your matter. It's generally wont to delicately fill more obscure regions, notwithstanding, rather than thoroughly eliminate a shadow. This light is metered to an equivalent or lower level than the key light.
Hair light
The hair light gives brightening to the hair of your subject, featuring the better subtleties of the picture. It's additionally valuable once you have a dull subject on a dim foundation, as features help to isolate the point from the foundation. Consequently, you'll hear this light referenced as a "partition light," or possibly a "kicker light."
Foundation Light
The foundation light adds light to the foundation, and you'll well have a few of those (particularly on the off chance that you have an outsized foundation inside the shot). they're sufficient to or less incredible than the key light.
By Prakash kedar